Alexa Kleysteuber
Board Member/Advisor

Alexa Kleysteuber has over 15 years of experience in climate change policy, diplomacy, and carbon markets, with most of that time spent in the public sector at the international, national, and subnational levels. She is currently an independent contractor whose clients have included Vibrant Planet, EDF, and Netflix. In 2019, she was a senior advisor to the Chilean COP25 Presidency Team, supporting them on matters related to Article 6, transparency, and enhancing global ambition. Previously, she was appointed by Governor Jerry Brown as Deputy Secretary for Border and Intergovernmental Relations at the California Environmental Protection Agency, where she catalyzed climate cooperation among U.S. states and with other countries. Prior to that, she worked as an advisor to the AILAC countries during the negotiation of the Paris Agreement; and as a policy expert for the Ministry of Environment of Chile doing UNFCCC negotiations and policy development.