Richard Martínez
Latin America Project Manager

Richard Martínez is the Latin America Project Manager for the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI). He supports Central and South American projects focused on MRV system development, GHG inventories, and mitigation assessments and projections. Prior to joining GHGMI, Richard was the coordinator of the National GHG Inventory System of Chile in the Ministry of Environment. During his more than 9 years as part of the system, he managed the Industrial Process and Product Use (IPPU) and Waste sectors, developed and managed the archiving and documentation system, compiled and coordinated the update process of three GHG inventories, and participated in the preparation of the five Biennial Update Reports of Chile.
In recent years, Richard has also worked as a technical expert for the Latin American Network of National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, providing support to countries such as Guatemala, Ecuador, Costa Rica, among others. In his role, he supported capacity building in the energy sector and archiving and documentation activities. As the coordinator for Chile’s National GHG Inventory System, he participated in the process of updating the NDC of Chile (2020), focusing on the coherence of the projection with the GHG inventory data, preparing the necessary information to facilitate clarity, transparency, and understanding, and proposing a set of mitigation contribution indicators. Since then, the implementation of the Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement has become one of his main interests.
Richard is based in Santiago, Chile. He is a chemical civil Engineering and spends his free time between books, movies and his two daughters.