Molly White
Senior Director, Education Program

Molly White leads curriculum and training development and delivery at the Institute. She also manages the Registrar’s Office, ensuring learner enrollment and support across the Institute’s extensive online course curriculum. She provides knowledge management and monitoring and evaluation expertise on a number of the Institute’s capacity-development initiatives and services. Molly is a lecturer at Yale University and currently leads research on developing GHG MRV frameworks and indicators for improving climate change interventions.
Molly is an experienced AFOLU carbon offset project developer and has delivered IPCC 2006 guideline training for cross-cutting issues, the forest sector, and IPCC software. Molly co-led the development of the Forest and Agriculture policy GHG impact assessment guidance for the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT).
For over 15 years, she has facilitated climate change mitigation development with a variety of federal, state, and non-governmental organizations, as well as local stakeholder groups and universities. She has been an invited guest lecturer at the University of Montana Honors College and the Monterey Institute of International Studies. Molly holds an M.S. in Forest Management from the University of Wisconsin, Madison where her research focused on ecosystem and industrial carbon budget analysis. She has lent her expertise to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; the editorial office for the peer-reviewed journal Carbon Management; and as the vice president of the Wild Rockies Field Institute board of directors. Molly has been recognized for her work by the U.S. EPA, City of Missoula Mayor’s Office, New Leaders Council, and Women’s Voices for the Earth.
View All Publications
White, M.K., Hanle, L., Prasad, S., Umemiya, C. (2023) “Measuring Capacity Progress in Climate Transparency: A Framework to Inform Future Work.” Center for Global Sustainability and the Council on Energy, Environment and Water, Part of the iGST Mitigation Working Group. Available at:
Umemiya, C. and White, M.K. (2023) National GHG inventory capacity in developing countries – a global assessment of progress, Climate Policy, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2023.2167802
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2022). Greenhouse Gas Emissions Information for Decision Making: A Framework Going Forward. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. (Contributor of Input)
Umemiya, C., White, M.K., Arroyave, V., and Akagi, J. (2020) Global Database of National GHG Inventory Capacity in Developing Countries. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Greenhouse Gas Management Institute, (GHGMI) and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). Available at:]
ICAT (Initiative for Climate Action Transparency) (2020). Forest Methodology: Assessing the Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Forest Policies. Washington, D.C.: ICAT, Greenhouse Gas Management Institute and Verra,
Umemiya, C., Ikeda, M., and White, M.K. (2020) Lessons learned for future transparency capacity building under the Paris Agreement: A review of greenhouse gas inventory capacity building projects in Viet Nam and Cambodia. Journal of Cleaner Production 245 []
ICAT (Initiative for Climate Action Transparency) (2018). Agriculture Methodology: Assessing the Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Agriculture Policies. Washington, D.C.: ICAT, Greenhouse Gas Management Institute and Verra,
Umemiya, C., White, M., Amellina, A., and Shimizu, N. (2017) National greenhouse gas inventory capacity: An assessment of Asian developing countries. Environmental Science and Policy 78, pp.66-73 []
White, M.K. Carbon Offsets: Understanding the Variety. International Society of Sustainability Professionals: Insight (June 2010).
White, M.K., Gower, S.T., and Ahl, D.E. (2005) Life-cycle inventories of round wood production in Wisconsin – Inputs into an industrial forest carbon budget. Forest Ecology and Management 219(1), pp.13-28.