Side Event at SB44

The Coalition on Paris Agreement Capacity Building would like to invite you to its public launch at our side event at SB44. The side event will be held midway through the first week of the Bonn intercessional meetings, on Wednesday, 18 May 2016 at 16:45-18:15 in room: Bonn I/II.
This event will begin by introducing the vision of the Coalition, and will quickly become an interactive session, with discussion between capacity building experts on the panel and the audience. During the event, representatives of the Coalition will share recommendations for a global capacity building strategy and specific capacity building activities and innovations. These are informed by the Coalition members’ combined 200 years of capacity building experience for transparency (greenhouse gas MRV) across sectors, nationalities, and genders.
Coalition representatives on the panel include:
▪ Chisa Umemiya, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
▪ Justin Goodwin, Aether
▪ Machtelt Oudenes, SQ Consult
▪ Michael Gillenwater, GHG Management Institute (GHGMI)
The members of the Coalition agree with negotiators in Paris this past December: the success of countries to implement NDCs requires a massive scaling-up of capacity for transparency, adaptation, and climate finance. The Coalition has self-organized to try and bring this vision to life. As its first steps, the Coalition has developed a strategy and a roster of fresh capacity building activity concepts to make capacity building bigger, faster, and smarter.
The aims of the side event are to launch the Coalition and share our vision for capacity building, engage in honest dialogue on capacity building approaches, and catalyze further innovation through deep discussion between panel participants and the audience.
Prior to the event, you can see our strategy recommendations here, and meet our circle of experts here. Please email info@
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