Webinar: ICAT Agriculture & Forest Guidance

The Initiative for Climate Action Transparency has just released its series of draft guidance for public consultation, open from 26 July to 25 September.
This webinar offers an overview of the draft Agriculture Guidance & Forest Guidance, which both provide principles, concepts and procedures for estimating GHG impacts of policies that mitigate GHG emissions. The Agriculture Guidance focuses on enteric fermentation and soil carbon pools. The Forest Guidance focuses on afforestation and/or reforestation, sustainable forest management and avoided deforestation and/or degradation. The webinar covers key points on which we seek feedback and provide a brief how-to on providing comments. You can watch the webinar (recorded 16 August 2017) by following this link:
ICAT Agriculture Guidance & Forest Guidance Webinar
Webinar speakers include: Carolyn Ching (VCS), Katie Goldman (GHGMI), Joanna Durbin (CCBA), and Sinclair Vincent (VCS)
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