The Institute at GCAS

Faculty and staff of the GHG Management Institute and partner organizations will be hosting the following events at the Global Climate Action Summit.
Event: The California Carbon Fest
When: Monday, September 10 – Wednesday, September 12, full day (Visitors are especially encouraged to join the afternoon of Tuesday, September 11)
Where: Blue Oak Ranch Reserve
Who: Attendees welcome
Download: Event Flyer
The Carbon Institute is hosting a cooperative challenge to estimate land-use and forest carbon stocks and fluxes at the UC Berkeley Blue Oak Ranch Reserve. For those with access to transportation, we encourage you to join us at the Blue Oak Ranch Reserve.
Contact patrick.cage (at) if you are interested in attending this event.
Event: The 2018 Sky Changers Awards
When: Thursday, September 13, 1 – 3 pm
Where: The Battery
Who: Limited invites remaining, Facebook Live #thebatterysf
Download: Event Flyer
The Institute is hosting an award ceremony to honor climate scientists and change-makers. Leaders from China, Indonesia, Australia, California and the Congo will share stories about using education, science, partnerships and grit to achieve measurable results.
There are limited spaces remaining for the Sky Changers event. Contact patrick.cage (at) if you are attending GCAS and are interested in participating.
Event: Blockchain Technology for Enhanced Climate Action
When: Tuesday September 11, 1:00 – 9:00 pm, registration open
Where: Galvanize
Who: Free, Registration Open
GHGMI is a member of the Climate Chain Coalition (CCC) who is organizing workshops and a public networking event at GCAS. The event will facilitate broad collaboration among all blockchain (distributed ledger technology) and digital solution stakeholders in order to galvanize financial as well as intellectual resource mobilization for the creation of the technological infrastructure for climate action in the context of the UNFCCC platform for enhanced climate action by Non-Party Stakeholders.
Will you be at GCAS?
The Institute is hosting a team of young carbon scientists from China, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who have obtained official youth accreditation to the Summit. If you are planning to be at the Global Climate Action Summit and want to connect with the GHG Management Institute or our youth delegates contact: patrick.cage (at)
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