Webinar: Fall 2018 Online Graduate Certificate in GHG Management

We are pleased to invite you to watch this recorded webinar about the Fall 2018 courses in the George Washington University Graduate Certificate in Greenhouse Gas Management.
Recorded May 29th, 2018, this webinar provides an overview of the program and features faculty who explain the courses being offered this Fall. This accredited certificate program can be taken online from any location in the world. Courses can be applied towards a full Master’s Degree in Engineering Management and Systems Engineering at the George Washington University. Already enrolled in a graduate program? Courses are transferable.
Our hosts and certificate faculty will provide an overview of the program and the courses offered this Fall.
Dr. Rachael Jonassen (George Washington University) advised the Department of Energy as it established the U.S. federal greenhouse gas reporting program and led development of greenhouse gas inventories for multiple federal agencies. Dr. Jonassen also co-authored protocols for greenhouse gas accounting and assessment of mitigation goals.
Dr. Michael Gillenwater (Greenhouse Gas Management Institute) is a leading expert on climate change and renewable energy, with a specific focus on greenhouse gas (GHG) measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) issues.
Dr. Phillip Ludvigsen (First Environment) Dr. Ludvigsen is a certified GHG verifier and quantifier and has verified more than 100 facility inventory regulatory reports and emission reduction projects totaling over 16 megatonnes of GHG emissions. He consults on corporate GHG inventories, carbon life cycle analyses, and financing of GHG reduction green bonds.
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