Webinar Series: Emission Trading Systems (ETS)
This is a guest-speaker webinar series devoted to discussing key topics on Emission Trading Systems (ETSs). This series is part of the free online course providing in-depth instruction on ETS theory and design. View previously recorded webinars by clicking on the webinar titles below.
- Webinar 1 – Market Dynamics and Risks, guest speaker Marcus Ferdinand (Thomson Reuters) discusses how ETS participants manage risks and give specific examples of how design and influence of politics have affected emission trading in the past. Host Elizabeth Zelljadt (Ecologic Institute) provides course context and facilitated a question and answer session among guest speaker and participants.
- Webinar 2 – The Past, Present and Future, This webinar will discuss the evolution and forecast the future of ETSs. The guest speaker will deliver a candid discussion of what building the EU ETS was like and will comment on the utility of ETSs in the INDCs being proposed at COP21.
- Webinar 3 – Developing Countries, This webinar will feature an expert from an emerging economy to comment on experiences in becoming ETS “market ready.” The speaker will provide unique examples of capacity gaps that were overcome and others that remain a challenge.
- Webinar 4 – Keeping it Legal, This webinar will discuss the unique legal challenges of establishing and implementing regulatory ETSs. The guest speaker will discuss examples of national and international case law to illustrate legal considerations for future ETSs.
The course and guest-speaker webinar series is a project of the European Commission.