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331 GHG Accounting for Renewable Energy Projects


This course provides training to individuals who wish to be involved in the implementation of clean development mechanism (CDM) projects in the technical area TA1.2: Energy generation from renewable energy sources. The course focuses on hydropower and wind energy projects.

Renewable energy sources (RES), such as hydropower and wind energy, have significant potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on a global scale. RES projects under the CDM are growing in popularity and are an important source of certified emissions reductions (CERs). This course provides information and guidance as well as technical descriptions on accounting for GHG reductions, project emissions, and displacement from RES projects, which will help you:

  • Understand how hydropower and wind energy work
  • Identify factors affecting the potential for hydropower and wind energy developments and different types and sizes of projects
  • Understand the benefits and drawbacks of both types of RES
  • Apply the approved consolidated CDM baseline and monitoring methodology ACM0002: “Consolidated baseline methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources”

The information provided in this course originates from credible international sources including:

  • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
  • Guidelines for National GHG Inventories by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
  • Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects

This course draws on all of these resources and provides guidance specifically on how to account for and document GHG reductions, project emissions, and emission reductions as a result of displacement of more carbon-intensive energy sources.

The course includes quizzes and exercises to help you learn to apply key lessons. A Certificate of Proficiency is available and requires the passing of an exam for an additional fee.

Key concepts covered include:

  • GHG standards and programs
  • Hydropower and wind energy GHG project accounting
  • Establishing the baseline scenario and selecting relevant GHGs
  • Quantifying emissions and removals
  • Monitoring, documenting and reporting

Approximate number of working hours to complete: 8 to 10

Availability: This course is available online 24/7


Tani Colbert-Sangree

Tani joined GHGMI in the summer of 2019 and supports the organization as a Project Manager. His expertise covers carbon credits, assessing credit quality, Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, …

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