Podcast #11: Should I fly or drive?
Don Bain and Michael Gillenwater discuss a personal carbon dilemma – should I fly or should I drive? A recent trip prompted Don to try 5 different on-line carbon calculators for air travel when trying to compare the carbon intensity of airline travel versus travel by auto. The carbon calculators gave surprisingly different results for the same air travel data.
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Links to subjects covered in the episode:
Michael gives an overview of Radiative Forcing in the context of emissions from air travel.
Want a more scientific look into carbon calculators for air travel? We highly recommend Carbon Offsetting & Air Travel, Part 1: CO2-Emissions Calculations, by Anja Kollmuss & Jessica Lane.
See also: The Climate Footprint of Air Travel
Conversations at the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute:
A podcast series with Don Bain, Michael Gillenwater, and their guests. Listen in as they discuss the latest news, policy, and note-worthy events impacting carbon management. Theses are the informal but important conversations we’re having inside the Institute.
Have a topic you want to hear us discuss? Email us at: podcast@ghginstitute.org.
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