The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI) faculty and staff will participate in the following events at the UNFCCC COP27 in Sharm El-Sheik. The events listed below will be updated to provide registration links (for virtual attendance), recordings (after the fact), and additional information as it becomes available.
Regional climate action transparency cooperation and regional statement of NGOs
Friday, Nov 11th, 2022, 13:30-15:00 EET | Tajikistan Pavilion
The theme of the presentation is the results of the Gaps and Needs Analysis for the GHG Inventories of five Central Asian States (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) obtained through systematic desk analysis work during the Inception Phase of the ReCATH-Central Asia project supported by ICAT. Click here for more info.
Organized by: ICAT, CAREC, GHGMI, and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
A Cooperative approach to improving MRV Systems, transitioning to the ETF, and tracking progress in implementing and achieving NDCs
Friday, Nov. 11, 2022, 15:00 – 16:30 EET | Akhenaten (150) | Recording available
From the analysis of submitted NDCs there is a clear need for a collective effort by all Parties to increase climate action, financing, and reporting. The implementation of MRV systems is a valuable mechanism to support sustained improvement in reporting.
Our side event will showcase progress made by several Caribbean countries and will explore the linkage between transparency and national MRV systems through an exchange of knowledge and sharing of experiences by Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub Member Countries. Member countries will share their reporting processes, best practices, and lessons learned as they begin to transition to the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and the preparation of Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR).
Organized by: GHGMI, Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub, Dominica, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, and UNFCCC RCC-STG.
Digital Solutions and Information for a Climate Resilient Agriculture Sector (DSICRA)
Tuesday, 15th November 2022, Time: 14:30 – 15:30pm EET | Sustainable Agriculture of the Americas Pavilion
Digitalization is seen as a game-changer for accelerating and scaling-up innovative ideas and
actions for strengthening climate resilience and food and nutrition security in the Americas.
This is so, because digitalization is changing the way we collect, access, analyse, share, and
use data and information to inform decision-making, research, and trade in agriculture.
Despite the potential net positive impact of digitalization, there are some “teething” issues
that must be addressed to optimise the access and benefits of digital innovations to a wider
cross section of stakeholders in agriculture. The Commonwealth Secretariat defines
digitalisation of agriculture to include 4 components – digital innovations, data infrastructure,
business development and the enabling environment for digitalisation. In this light, a major
issue to be addressed is the digital divide among agriculture stakeholders, particularly for
small-holder farmers, who are highly vulnerable to climate change and require timely and
accurate information. For the unequal access and use gap to digital innovations by agricultural
stakeholders to be reduced, all the 4 components of digital agriculture must be considered.
Organized by: IICA, GHGMI, Commonwealth Secretariat, and Agrosmart.
Caribbean Cooperation – Best Practices in Regional Cooperation for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement
Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022, 15:00 – 16:00 EET | CARICOM Pavilion – Side Event Room
This session will present highlights of regional institutional best practices and on-the-ground regional initiatives supported by the Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub to foster deep-rooted institutional capacities at the national and regional levels. It will discuss the importance of establishing regional networks for climate action, bridging theoretical and practical climate change management, and allowing for the enrichment of regional alliances.
Organized by: Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub and GHGMI.
Capacity Building to Enhance Climate Action and Reporting: Challenges and Opportunities
Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022, 16:00 – 17:30 EET | Coalition for Rainforest Nations (CfRN) pavilion | Recording to be posted here when available
The event will be moderated by one of the Central Africa Women’s Initiative for Climate Action (WICA) Fellows and there will be an introductory remarks from the United States Forest Service International Program (USFS-IP) United States Agency for International Development Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment (USAID CARPE). The WICA Program will be presented alongside capacity building initiatives by CfRN and GHGMI. WICA Fellows will then discuss their achievements, challenges, and unique perspectives. The event will be in English.
Organized by: CfRN, WICA, USFS-IP, USAID CARPE, GHGMI, and the UNFCCC Focal Point DRC.
What we’ve learned from the last 15 years of capacity building | Opportunity for replication and expansion under the ETF
Thursday, Nov. 17, 2022 Time: 15:00 EET | Capacity Building Hub – Area B (blue side event rooms) | Livestream available
At GHGMI’s #Together4Transparency event we will present the enabling conditions for making the transition to the Enhanced Transparency Framework require the strengthening of climate MRV capacity around the world. This session will present what the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute has learned from its 15 years of capacity building, highlighting the opportunities for replication and expansion under the ETF.
Organized by: GHGMI
The listed topics all sound interesting and are areas that need in-depth exploration in my opinion and from experience while studying with GHGMI, I know GHGMI excel in all they take on. I am looking forward to hearing the practical aspects.
Anna Kalu