Deadline Approaching for GHG Survey

August 6, 2010, by Tim Stumhofer

Note: This survey is now closed.

The second annual GHGMI-Sequence Staffing Greenhouse Gas/Climate Change Workforce Needs Assessment Survey will close this month. If you have not already completed a response we invite you to take part in this industry-defining needs assessment by filling out the online survey at

As a quality assurance measure, the survey is by invitation only for leading GHG / climate change practitioners and requires a password code to participate. A straightforward password request form is also available on the website.

The 2010 survey aims to expand on the industry’s complex workforce needs by polling practitioners on personnel needs, training requirements and future projections. As with our previous survey, this year’s assessment again will take a policy-neutral approach to information gathering. Our focus is to acquire valuable industry data without compromise, and as such the survey does not promote policy or any specific protocols, standards or programs. All data is collected on a blind, anonymously recorded IT infrastructure to ensure the most detailed, statistically accurate response possible.

The survey is divided into six sections covering many aspects of climate change and GHG measurement and management. This year’s survey was designed to build on trends and impressions established in last year’s survey; as such you may find it to be a bit more in-depth than other industry questionnaires. While this format may come at a marginal increase in the time required to complete, the resulting snapshot of the industry will offer invaluable perspective on current and future points of stress and opportunity in this unique time for climate change.

While we hope you will be able to complete the survey in one short setting, you can save your answers and come back at a future time to finish by clicking the “Finish Later” tab and using your unique survey password code to re-enter.

This year’s questionnaire is a follow up to last year’s precedent setting survey, which for the first time, confirmed and quantified climate change HR impressions and the ascendency of greenhouse gas management as a professional discipline. Results will, as with last year’s survey, be published in a free comprehensive GHGMI-Sequence report later this year.

2 responses to “Deadline Approaching for GHG Survey”

  1. david Warburtoin says:

    unable to contact GHG voucher scheme so I cannot complete your form

  2. Maria Juan-Blasco says:

    Hello David, thank you for your interest in the GHGMI-Sequence Staffing Greenhouse Gas/Climate Change Workforce Needs. Unfortunately, this survey is inactive.

    If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Registrar’s Office at