Companies are essential partners in reducing global emissions and advancing the professionalization of GHG management and accounting. As a thought leader in this field, the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI) works alongside companies to navigate the complexities of climate action and GHG accounting. This includes providing support to companies by offering the following services:

Expert guidance: As a thought leader in GHG accounting and management we work alongside companies to investigate and answer complex GHG accounting issues to ensure companies have access to the most accurate and reliable GHG accounting approaches and methodologies. Our research, reports, and discussion papers provide companies with expert guidance, keeping you informed on current and relevant topics in GHG accounting.

Develop employee expertise and build capacity: Our online courses, diplomas, and workshops equip your employees with the professional-level knowledge and skills to build internal capacity for effective carbon management.

Independent software evaluation: We contribute to a more robust carbon management software marketplace by providing independent expert evaluations of GHG accounting software. Our comprehensive assessments ensure software functionality aligns with GHG accounting methods and standards.

Are you interested in our services for your company?

Contact us to learn more about how we can provide expert support to your company.

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