How the Experts Forum Works

The GHGMI Experts Forum is moderated. Our Dean, Michael Gillenwater, reviews messages to ensure they address GHG inventory, monitoring, baseline, verification, or related issues. Discussion of policy is welcome, as long as it is related to these issues.

To submit a message to the Experts Forum once you are a member, simply post a message within an existing forum thread, or create a new forum thread by “adding a new topic” that is appropriate for your query or topic.  The topic title should mirror the content of the posting. If you reply to a message, please reply within the forum thread.

All messages should include your name and organizational affiliation (if available).

The moderator reserves the right to delete any message not related to the scope or intent of the forum.  All spam email will be immediately deleted.  GHGMI members may have their membership revoked immediately (see rules below) for inappropriate are continuous misuse of the forum.

All members can control their subscription to the Experts Forum, located under GHGMI Member benefits upon logging into your member account.  Subscription settings are located within the Administration block once you click on the Experts Forum.

Participation Rules

Participation in the GHG Management Institute Experts Forum is a privilege. By joining the Forum, members agree to comply with the following rules. Violation of these rules may result in revocation of membership.

When you join the Forum, you join a community of professionals who discuss a wide range of topics. As in any community, a variety of opinions are expressed. We invite diverse opinions and value the learning these opinions can lead to. We ask that you read the following guidelines for online community participation. If you have questions, please send us feedback at

Defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive language is inappropriate. Members will also not post defamatory, abusive, obscene, threatening, offensive or illegal materials. Members are expected to refrain from such actions, and their repeated use may result in removal from membership.

Posting to a forum means that your words become public and are archived. All posts to the Forum become the “property” of the GHG Management Institute. The Institute may use individual posts on its website or in print publications. While it is the custom to notify participants when a post will be used, as owner of the lists, the Institute is not legally obligated to do so.

The GHG Management Institute respects the intellectual property of others and asks members to abide by all copyright laws. Members will not post any information that infringes on any other person’s or entity’s intellectual property rights. In particular, by posting material you represent and warrant that you are either the owner of the copyright in the material or have received permission from the copyright owner to post such materials. You further represent and warrant that the material is not a trade secret of another person or entity and that you are not subject to any other obligation of confidentiality with respect to the material. By posting materials, you hereby grant the GHG Management Institute, its affiliates, successors, and assigns, and the other users of this listserv a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to reproduce, distribute and display the material and to create derivative works therefrom and to otherwise use information from the material. Finally, you agree to defend and hold harmless the GHG Management Institute, its affiliates, successors, agents and assigns, and the other users of the Forum against any claims, demands, or causes of actions resulting from your posting of the material and to indemnify the GHG Management Institute, its affiliates, successors, and assigns, and the other users of the Forum against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and fees (including reasonable attorneys fees) resulting from their reproduction, distribution, display, creation of derivative works, or other use of the materials and the information contained therein.

Participants are not allowed to sell products or use the Forum for any for-profit activities.

Despite being moderated, GHG Management Institute accepts no responsibility for the opinions and information posted by others. The Institute disclaims all warranties with regard to opinions or information posted on this site, whether posted by Forum moderators or any third party. In no event shall the GHG Management Institute be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of any information posted on this site.