Enhancing institutional capacity for measuring, reporting, and verifying (MRV) GHG emissions is a vital component of global initiatives to combat climate change. GHGMI understands the challenges countries that are party to the Paris Agreement face, including lack of the necessary resources, expertise, and infrastructure for a strong GHG MRV system. It is core to our mission as a not-for-profit organization to address these challenges, which we do by partnering with national governments to strengthen their institutional and technical capabilities to meet enhanced transparency requirements.

How We Can Help

GHGMI has a distinguished track record of strengthening global capacities for GHG MRV. We have provided MRV capacity-building support to over 50 countries around the world and provide a range of services, including:

Benefits of a strong MRV system include:

National Technical Support

Implementing Partner to the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)

As an implementing partner of the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT), GHGMI leads a consortium to provide technical support to 16 countries. These projects are building key components of the countries’ MRV systems, with the scope of work identified in close collaboration with each country focal point. Collaborating with local partners, our training emphasizes learning-by-doing. Technical support focuses on establishing capacity so that it is retained by governments long after the project is completed. Countries receiving technical support from GHGMI include Antigua & Barbuda, Bolivia, Chad, Chile, Eswatini, Fiji, El Salvador, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Tonga, Uganda, and Vanuatu.

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Online Training

A national GHG emissions inventory is fundamental to implementing effective climate action. National governments should be equipped to understand the process of emissions inventorying for Paris Agreement reporting and prioritizing emissions categories for mitigation strategies. Our IPCC Guidelines Course series is the perfect place to start learning and is a relied-upon resource for the UNFCCC and many national governments.

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Contact Us

Looking to improve your country’s ability to measure, report, or verify GHG emissions? Contact us to learn more about how to add our services to your donor requests for MRV support and to assist you in defining, addressing, and enhancing your national GHG MRV capacities.