How did we get here? One media campaign that no doubt helped

December 14, 2015, by Molly White

In Paris, the world witnessed the birth of the most potentially consequential international environmental agreement. Media attention of the event played an instrumental role in building momentum towards reaching an …

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December 13, 2015, by Michael Gillenwater

Wow! We witnessed history being made a couple hours ago. All of us at the GHG Management Institute are sincerely hopeful that our grandchildren will view the Paris Agreement as …

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Before Paris climate deal, a landgrab on the web

December 12, 2015, by Molly White

Greenhouse Gas Management Institute quoted December 12th, 2015 in Reuters: Months before the world’s nations began forging a climate accord in Paris, a California environmentalist named John Niles was digging …

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Paris climate deal might just be enough to start turning the tide on global warming

December 12, 2015, by Molly White

Greenhouse Gas Management Institute quoted December 12th, 2015 in The Guardian: John Niles teaches greenhouse gas accounting at the not-for-profit Greenhouse Gas Management Institute. In Paris he launched an international …

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A new space race: satellites could test the world’s climate vows

December 11, 2015, by Molly White

Greenhouse Gas Management Institute quoted December 10th, 2015 in Reuters article: “The real success of a deal here fundamentally revolves around whether we can see emissions and their removals,” said …

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Free Course – Emissions Trading Systems

November 24, 2015, by Molly White

European Commission launches online course on Emissions Trading Systems A new course on Emissions Trading Systems (ETS) is available for free online. It covers the theory, design, and operational considerations …

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WEBINAR: Emission Trading Systems (ETS) Market Dynamics and Risks

November 17, 2015, by Molly White

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the first of a 4-part guest-speaker webinar series devoted to discussing key topics on Emission Trading Systems (ETS). These webinars will …

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What David Roberts Gets Wrong about “Buying” Green Power

November 12, 2015, by Michael Gillenwater

Vox columnist David Roberts, who has spent years as an environmental blogger digging in on abstruse climate and energy issues and is one of the best of his kind on …

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Podcast #15: Negotiations Leading Up to Paris and Reports from Climate Week

October 26, 2015, by Don Bain

Michael Gillenwater offers commentary on the state of COP21 negotiations leading up to Paris as of 24 October 2015. Don Bain gives first-hand reports from Climate Week 23 September 2015. …

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Where Can I Find Carbon Management Research?

October 26, 2015, by Michael Gillenwater

It was almost 5 years ago that we launched, with the former publisher Earthscan, a unique new scholarly journal titled Greenhouse Gas Measurement & Management. Now, for those of you …

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