Louis Sweeny

Louis Sweeny has been working in the environment and public health fields for over 25 years, with an emphasis on the intersection of policy, data management, and digital strategy. Working first as an evaluation analyst at EPA in DC, he then pursued graduate research at MIT on the impacts of the then-nascent “internet” on organizational culture around environment (“Connecting people not computers”). In 1998, Louis co-founded EHS-Online as a fee-for-content internet startup in the environment space. After the 2000’s dot bomb, he returned to policy consulting to EPA, CDC, USGS, states, tribes, NGO’s, and private sector clients with Ross Strategic. Louis was the lead author on the Exchange Network (EN) Blueprint, the EN implementation plan, and then the E-Enterprise Blueprint. Louis also advised the CDC in their development of the Environmental Public Health Tracking Network. Louis’ work on the EN was recognized in a Fed 100 award. During a sabbatical in 2016–18, Louis traveled extensively, read, cooked, and relearned to code. Since 2018, Louis has provided independent consulting and advising in the areas of digital strategy/architecture, machine learning, and energy. Recent projects include leading the development of the E-Enterprise Community Information Platform, advising EPA and States on the E-Enterprise digital strategy and interoperability architectures, working with True Elements on the integration of new data sources into their platform, and serving as Software Evaluation Fellow, with GHGMI. Louis is an expert meeting designer and facilitator with a deep interest in improving virtual and physical meetings and collaborations, especially through practices like Liberating Structures.
Louis’s hobbies include homegrown environmental monitoring IOT gadgets and cooking, especially with fire. He recently rebuilt the family’s 100-year-old outdoor “forno” which makes a great pizza.