Podcast #2: Supply Chain and Value Chain GHG Management

We discuss the merits of using a corporate value chain framework for managing and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Michael asks tough questions while Don brings answers from his experience as a partner in EY’s supply chain practice and as author of the Institute’s forthcoming course on corporate value chain (Scope 3) GHG reporting. Anecdotes are used to explain why a value chain approach is working for measuring and how some leading companies are making progress. Some of the stories are:
- Procter & Gamble redesigns its laundry detergent to deliver cleaning performance in cold water, rather than hot or warm, reducing energy consumption and GHGs.
- Wal-Mart chose a supply chain framework for its goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 million metric tons by 2015.
- Edwin Keh (formerly at Wal-Mart) presents The Business Case for Sustainability in the Supply Chainat The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and recounts his experience implementing improvements with suppliers.
- The Hawthorne Effect explains why some improvements can be realized just by paying attention
What’s New on Campus
New GHG Management Institute curriculum and revamped learning systems.
Meet Molly White.
The Toolbox
HP’s Carbon Accounting Explanations for the Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
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