Podcast #7: Fracking

Don reports observations from a public comment meeting hosted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on the subject of the proposed Clean Power Rule. Michael and Don discuss the boom in hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, and some of the implications as we think about climate change.
We love listener feedback and ideas. Email us: podcast@ghginstitute.org.
What’s New On Campus
Michael announces new assignments for the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute to help Turkey improve emissions measurement, reporting and verification systems.
The Toolbox
Professor Mark Jacobson and team have published a Clean Energy Roadmap for the State of California. A similar report was previously published for the State of New York.
Suggested reading if you would like to learn more about the fracking boom:
The Frackers by Gregory Zuckerman
The Boom – How Fracking Ignited the American Energy Revolution and Changed the World by Russell Gold
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