Podcast #14: Listener Feedback

Smart questions and comments from smart listeners! Don Bain and Michael Gillenwater respond to posted comments and emails from you.
Mr. Craig Pepper shares valuable information and experience with his residential solar photovoltaic (PV) system. Mr. Pepper started the conversation in comments to this blog post. Mr. Pepper’s reported experience selling his PV-equipped house prompts Michael to find a paper, Understanding the Solar Home price premium: Electricity generation and “Green” social status.
Mr. Kevin Olson, an environmental engineer, writes in to contribute to our previous discussion on aircraft emissions.
Many of you may know Mr. Yaron Cohen from courses at the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute. Mr. Cohen’s master’s thesis includes analysis of airport emissions. He writes in to follow-up our discussion of aircraft emissions and to suggest topics for future conversations.
We are very grateful to our listeners for taking the time to contact us. We want to hear from you.
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Conversations at the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute:
A podcast series with Don Bain, Michael Gillenwater, and their guests. Listen in as they discuss the latest news, policy, and note-worthy events impacting carbon management. Theses are the informal but important conversations we’re having inside the Institute.
Have a topic you want to hear us discuss? Email us at: podcast@ghginstitute.org.
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