The Climate Chain Coalition

January 24, 2018, by Tom Baumann

To encourage exploration and eventual use of this technology in support of climate action, the UN Climate Change secretariat initiated and facilitated the creation of the Climate Chain Coalition (CCC) – an open global initiative to support Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) for Climate.  The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute supports the CCC and the need for capacity building in the use of digital solutions which increase transparency while improving GHG management capacity and best practices.

During the One Planet Summit on December 12, 2017 in Paris France (the 2nd anniversary of the Paris Agreement), a multi-stakeholder group of 25 organizations working on DLT held a meeting to agree to collaborate and establish the CCC. DLT and related digital solutions (e.g. IoT, big data) can enhance MRV and help mobilize climate finance to scale climate actions for mitigation and adaptation. The CCC mission is to advance collaboration among members working on issues of common interest, and to help enhance the environmental integrity and results of DLT applications for climate. The CCC membership agreed on shared principles and values  to facilitate and guide activities for capacity building, networking, research, governance, demonstrations and pilot projects. New members are welcome to join this open initiative and contribute to the transition to a climate-resilient economy aligned with the Paris Agreement.

5 responses to “The Climate Chain Coalition”

  1. ion says:

    Names of the members of the climate chain coalition?

  2. Tom Baumann says:

    A website is being developed for the Climate Chain Coalition – it is in progress but already has many members listed. We have a web-meeting on February 14 to welcome new members and interested parties to the Coalition.

  3. Thank you for welcoming new members to join. Neither the site nor this article have any contacts though. What should one do to join?

  4. Tom Baumann says:

    Hi Mikhail. Email me at We are in the process of setting up online tools to get involved.

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