Building the People and Institutions to make the World “Paris Ready”

Lisa Hanle, Director of the MRV Support Program at GHGMI, is giving a NASA Carbon Research Program Policy Speaker Series talk on Tuesday, May 29, 2018. To join the live stream of the event, see details below. Or, watch the recording posted here, following the event.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
12-1 PM Eastern Time
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Building 33, A128
Coffee and refreshments will be available
Just as other key fields such as engineering and financial accounting rely on professionals, GHG emissions management requires a highly competent and ethical professional community to undertake measurement, reporting, verification, mitigation, and adaptation activities. The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI) develops technically rigorous GHG training curricula authored and instructed by leading experts and delivered globally via a “low carbon” e-learning portal combined with onsite workshops. With adoption and entry into force of the Paris Agreement, the need for technically competent GHG professionals across the world is at a level we have never seen before, requiring a global effort to expand capacity building efforts and train individuals using proven approaches. This talk will introduce some of GHGMI’s key programs and activities designed to train a global community of GHG professionals, focusing on strategies to enhance the effectiveness of capacity building interventions. Recognizing the significant availability of remote sensing data, the talk hopes to initiate discussion on how remote sensing could contribute to the improvement of MRV systems in developed and developing countries to improve the accuracy of GHG inventories and the ability to track implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions and identify potential collaboration areas with NASA carbon scientists.
The Policy Speaker Series is an effort funded through the NASA Carbon Research Program and co-sponsored by the Joint Global Carbon Cycle Center (JGCCC).
To register for live stream:
For audio, please call: USA Toll free: 1-844-467-4685, Access code: 9907511380
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