Mitigation Scenario Assessment & GHG Modelling Tool Selection Guide

July 27, 2021, by MRV Hub

Climate change offices are looking at “fit for purpose” tools to help them update and monitor their Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), Long Term Low Emission Development Strategies (LT-LEDS), and mitigation assessments. The Caribbean Cooperative Measurement, Reporting, and Verification Hub (MRV Hub) identified the need for an instrument to guide Caribbean countries in this process. In response to this need, the Mitigation Modelling Tool Selection Guide was developed.

This “Mitigation Modelling Tool Selection Guide” is an Excel workbook, which provides a platform to compare three modelling tools quantitatively and qualitatively. These tools are GACMO, LEAP, and PROSPECTS+. GACMO and PROSPECTS+ are free of cost, while LEAP is available at a low cost for some developing countries and free for low-income developing countries and accredited students.

The developers of each tool were consulted during the development process of this guide. The comparative guide was specifically developed based on the national circumstances of Caribbean countries and is most suitable for use therein. It can also be used in other developing countries with similar circumstances.

Users of the guide can enjoy a simple, well-structured user interface. Relevant details and data requirements regarding each of the three software tools can be found within the guide. This allows users to understand the different tool parameters, conduct a suitability analysis, and customize as needed within a single resource. The guide is flexible for conducting a simple high-level analysis by incorporating “must-haves,” or for an in-depth analysis for a specific GHG modelling and projection scenario.

Target Audience

The intended users of this instrument are:

Applications and Uses of the Guide

For users to benefit from using this guide, the scope for the mitigation analysis should be first developed. This can be done via in-country stakeholder consultations, which can help define the intended objectives of the analysis, including the temporal and sectoral scope and resolution. Each of the software tools being compared through this tool requires certain data to be used. Once this is determined, decision-makers can gauge the data availability within their respective countries and use the guide to weight assessment areas against their priorities.

How to Access

The Mitigation Modelling Tool Selection Guide can be downloaded for free via this link.

More Information

The comparative tool was presented at the GHG Mitigation Modelling Tools Virtual Webinar Series 2021. This session of the webinar series was facilitated by the MRV Hub in collaboration with CCREEE and UNFCCC-RCC St. George’s. The following link to the webinar session can be used to gain a more detailed synopsis of the tool.

For inquiries on how the tool works or to request additional information, please contact:

The Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub (CCMRVH) is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag. And through support from the UNDP/UNEP Global Support Programme.

2 responses to “Mitigation Scenario Assessment & GHG Modelling Tool Selection Guide”

  1. Andrew Jean-Louis says:

    I am from the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean and involved with the NDC. Can this tool be easily applied to any SIDS?

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