The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI) faculty and staff will participate in the following events at the UNFCCC COP28 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The events listed below will be updated to provide registration links (for virtual attendance), with recordings added (after the fact), and additional information as it becomes available.
Enhanced Transparency for Small Island Developing States
Fri, 01 Dec 2023 – 16:45-18:45 GST | Side-event Room 1
The event will explore how SIDS are leading climate action by utilizing transparency to ensure their NDCs are effectively tracked. It will showcase SIDS as climate action champions, using transparency and data as a powerful tool to drive NDC implementation while ensuring sustainable development. Speakers will include high-level government officials and national experts from Antigua and Barbuda, Maldives, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Comoros, Fiji, and Mauritius.
Organized by: GHGMI, the ICAT Secretariat, and the ICAT Donor Steering Committee.
The Central Africa Women’s Initiative for Climate Action (WICA)
Sat, 02 Dec 2023 – 11:30 – 13:00 GST | COMIFAC Pavilion
Join us for an event on capacity building and the engagement of Central African women in responses to climate change.
Presentations will include an overview of the WICA program as well as the experience of the WICA fellows who acquired skills through the program and will share their experience, challenges, and suggestion for future capacity building efforts. A panel discussion will follow with the Climate Change Focal Points from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, and the Central African Republic, as well as GHGMI staff, and the Coalition for Rainforest Nations. Lastly, there will be substantial time for audience engagement with the speakers.
Organized by: Ministry of the Environment – Cameroon, US Forest Service, Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Coalition for Rainforest Nations, GHGMI
Key Tools Supported by the UNFCCC Secretariat to Strengthen the ETF
Mon, 04 Dec 2023 – 13:15-14:45 GST | Side-event Room 1
The presentation will feature the SAGE data collection and management software tool, the latest IPCC GHG inventory software, and the mitigation tool supported by the UNFCCC Secretariat. These tools are valuable to operationalize the Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement, especially for Developing Countries. Speakers will include Dominique Revet (UNFCCC Secretariat), TBD (IPCC TFI TSU), Olia Glade (GHG Management Institute), and Pepa Lopez (Gauss international).
Organized by: UNFCCC Secretariat, IPCC TFI TSU, GHGMI, and Gauss international.
Measuring capacity progress in climate transparency under the GST: A collaborative discussion to enhance coherence and effectiveness of future capacity-building endeavors
Mon, Dec 04 2023 – 15:10-16:10 GST | 5th Capacity-building Hub
The objectives of this session are to increase stakeholder awareness and engagement for measuring capacity progress in climate transparency. Further, speakers will seek to enhance and exchange knowledge and information around frameworks for measuring transparency capacity and introduce a proposed transparency framework published earlier this year. Discussion and connection amongst stakeholders will be encouraged to coalesce around measurement and evaluation research priorities and to meet potential collaborators to support the GST. The sessions seeks to identify capacity-building indicators to prioritize for evaluation through future research, as well as brainstorming methods to increase capacity-building indicator data availability.
Organized by: GHGMI, IGES, CEEW
A Transparency Alumni Celebration Event – A celebration and networking event honoring 15 years of alumni success
Tues, Dec 05 2023 – 17:30-19:00 GST | Meeting Room 36
The sustaining conditions for making the Enhanced Transparency Framework a success require the continued development of climate MRV capacity around the world. Now is not the time to pause, but rather the time to leverage collective experience and increase this capacity. Our professional pride, fellowship, and common ambition among alumni who have trained with UNFCCC/GHGMI programs over the last 15 years (e.g., ERT training, IPCC Guidelines, etc.) will propel us into the next decade of climate transparency and climate action. Please join us for an alumni celebration that will be an informal opportunity to meet GHGMI and UNFCCC staff as well as other GHGMI alumni.
Organized by: UNFCCC and GHGMI
Exploring Links Between Transparency and Domestic Climate Priorities in Developing Countries: An Academic-Practitioner Dialogue
Tues, Dec 12 2023 – 13:00 – 15:00 GST | Meeting Room 36
The session seeks to foster a panel discussion and dialogue for the #Together4Transparency initiative related to the Enhanced Transparency Framework. Presentations will discuss how participation in UNFCCC transparency arrangements can help developing countries to further domestic climate action priorities and the utility of greenhouse gas inventories at the domestic level.
Organized by: TRANSGOV (Wageningen University and Research), Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), TRANSCLIM (University of Eastern Finland/Cambridge University), Zutari, GHGMI
GHGMI staff will also be available in person at Exhibit Booth #13 on December 4th, 5th, and 6th.
Testimonials for GHGMI
Testimonial from Kai Uwe Barani Schmidt – GHGMI Board Treasurer & Advisor
Testimonial from Kathryn Bickman Goldman – GHGMI Board Secretary, Advisor, & Fellow
Cover image courtesy of UN iLibrary.
I am interested in getting in the COP28 Alumni celebration. Got the invitation but need funds to travel to Dubai.