The MRV Hub Executes Memoranda of Understanding
On the heels of scoping trips and training events, five Caribbean countries have now signed memoranda of understanding (MOUs) to join the MRV Hub in the Caribbean. These countries include: Saint Lucia, The Bahamas, Antigua & Barbuda, Belize and Jamaica.
The Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub is a new cooperative regional institution for carbon management that will enable SIDS and other Caribbean countries to support each other by improving and aggregating technical expertise.
The MRV Hub’s formal engagement with member countries is guided by an MOU that is signed by the MRV Hub and the representative Ministry or Department within the member Government. The MOU signatories have agreed to receive the capacity-building benefits of Hub participation and to help develop the Hub as an institution.
What does MRV mean
Hi Rob, MRV stands for measurement, reporting, and verification (of greenhouse gas emissions).