2018 Distinguished Alumni Award

Each year, the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI) celebrates our alumni by awarding our Distinguished Alumni Award. This achievement honors an alumnus/a who has received a Certificate(s) of Proficiency from our education program and has demonstrated distinctive professional accomplishments in providing the foundation and leadership for greenhouse gas management globally.
Our selection this year honors Noura Mohamed Lotfi who has received two Certificates from GHGMI in our IPCC guidelines course series. She has received certificates in 501 IPCC: Introduction and Cross-Cutting Issues and in 531 IPCC: Agriculture. This alumna sets an example of excellence in carbon management through the mastery and pragmatic application of these two courses to her work for the UNFCCC and within the Egyptian agricultural sector. GHGMI is proud to announce Noura Mohamed Lotfi as our 2018 Distinguished Alumna.
Ms. Noura Mohamed Lotfi is a project coordinator at the Climate Change Information Center and Renewable Energy (CCICRE) – Egypt. Previously, she worked as a technical assistant at the Agriculture Research Center (ARC) and participated in the GHG inventory calculation for the AFLOU sector in Egypt’s First Biennial Update Report. Noura was also a team member who conducted the carbon footprint study in the project titled Sustainable Agriculture Investment and Livelihoods (SAIL), Early Warning System for Climate Related Disasters In Agriculture – International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) African Risk Capacity (ARC), and also serves as the coordinator of the preparatory meetings for the European Union Joint Rural Development Programme.
Noura was nominated to the UNFCCC Roster of Experts in 2017, and is a reviewer for UNFCCC for the technical review of information reported in biennial reports and national communications from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. Her technical analysis expertise covers all five sectors of national GHG Inventories (Energy, Industrial Processes and Other Product Use, Agriculture, LULUCF, and Waste). She was selected as a vulnerability and adaptation expert to the in-country review of the seventh national communication and the technical review of the third biennial report of Sofia, Bulgaria in February 2019. Noura has also completed the training programme by the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) on National Communications (NCs) from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention related to the technical analysis of biennial update reports (BURs) under the International Consultation and Analysis (ICA) process.
GHGMI was definitely the turning point and corner stone that helped me to reach my above-mentioned career goals. Thanks to the courses I have obtained from GHGMI and the Certificates of Proficiency I received, I was able to be an international reviewer to the UNFCCC and achieve many successes in my work area. This would not have been possible to accomplish without your cooperation.
GHGMI is proud to have supported the education and professional development of an outstanding member of the GHG management community. Congratulations Noura, for your many accomplishments!
Interested in receiving the GHGMI Distinguished Alumni Award? Nominate yourself or a colleague during our next annual alumni survey period, January-February 2020.
Noura participated in her first review of Bulgaria’s 7th NC and 3rd BR together with me and showed distinguished proficiency, diligence and expertise. Although she managed her job perfectly, she was always open to getting new knowledge and enhance her professional skills. I’m very glad that I witnessed the first steps of her CC career and congratulate her this highly prestigious award.
I have just seen your message. Ms. Medea is my lead reviewer who supported me a lot during my first review. I was so lucky and honored to have the opportunity to work with her and benefit from her wide experience. On the personal side, I enjoyed so much our walks and your stories and advices. I really wish to work with you again in the near future. Your message really made my day!