CLIFF-GRADS Science Collaboration Series

On 2 September 2020, GHGMI’s Dr. Olia Glade, Director of Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Systems, led a webinar on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories as part of the Climate Food and Farming Global Research Alliance Development Scholarships (CLIFF-GRADS) Science Collaboration Series. This webinar is just one in a 12-part series hosted by the Global Research Alliance running through the end of October 2020.
This session targeted researchers working in the fields of agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and explored how to ensure research findings are relevant and implementable in a National GHG Inventory System. Topics included improvements to agriculture GHG inventories, addressing uncertainties, time series consistency and international reporting requirements. View a recording of the event below.
Over 100 participants from 31 countries attended the session asking a multitude of well-formed and insightful questions pointing at different aspects of the inventory system work, inventory processes and considerations for the future of these systems. Many participants expressed an interest in looking more deeply into greenhouse gas inventory issues, and to understand inventory systems and the inventory review process. Through this webinar, it seemed that beautiful new minds learned about the global MRV process and expressed interest in joining the community of greenhouse gas experts in low- and middle-income countries.
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