Our Courses

Focused learning that goes wherever you do

The Institute offers rigorous e-learning courses which meet the needs of both individuals and organizations working on all aspects of climate change. Courses are self-paced, available 24-hours per day, and authored by leading experts in their fields. Lessons are designed for both beginners and experienced professionals and may be taken individually or as part of a diploma program.  Courses are interactive and include exercises and quizzes. If you pay the exam fee, you also may earn a Certificate of Proficiency.

Unsure which course to choose? Try our interactive course selection tool.

201 Basics of Organizational GHG Accounting

202 Conceptos básicos de la contabilidad de GEI a nivel de proyecto

202 Basics of Project-Level GHG Accounting

204 Basics of Subnational GHG Accounting

211 GHG Information Management Systems

301 GHG Accounting for Forest Inventories

302 GHG Accounting for Forest and Other Land Use Projects

311 GHG Accounting for Landfill Methane Projects

312 GHG Accounting for Coal Mine Methane Projects

321 GHG Accounting for Energy Efficiency Projects

331 GHG Accounting for Renewable Energy Projects

401 GHG Verification for Inventories and Projects

501 IPCC: Introduction to Cross-Cutting Issues

511 IPCC: Energy

521 IPCC: Industrial Processes and Other Product Use

531 IPCC: Agriculture

541 IPCC: Forestry and Other Land Uses

551 IPCC: Waste

Financial Aid Available

Educating tomorrow’s leaders is our number one priority.
Click below to find out more about our financial aid policies, opportunities and application process.

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Our Educational Experience

These are not webinars. It typically takes a learner 16-20 hours of interaction and study to complete a course. This is equivalent to a 3 to 4 day intensive workshop. All courses are offered on demand at whatever times and places are convenient for you. Internet connection is required.