Paris climate deal hinges on better carbon accountancy

Greenhouse Gas Management Institute quoted January 26th, 2016 in Nature News.
“We can’t implement this agreement without building capacity,” says John Niles, who directs the Carbon Institute, an arm of the GHGMI that develops training programmes in the measurement and monitoring of carbon emissions. “We need the right investments in the right institutions, in every country on Earth.”
Perhaps the biggest challenge is how to move quickly. Developing countries may need to begin reporting within a few years, says Michael Gillenwater, executive director and dean of the GHGMI. The prevailing approach of hosting workshops and one-time training sessions to promote minimal local expertise while bringing in consultants to oversee one-off greenhouse-gas inventories will not be enough.
“The current model will break if you try and scale it up,” says Gillenwater. “We need more and better people and we need a different model.”
Read full article here.