Journal Announces New Editorial Board Members

We are proud to announce new editorial board members for Carbon Management, the peer-reviewed academic journal sponsored by the GHG Management Institute. The members of the journal’s editorial board represent 23 countries across 6 continents. The list of new board members can be found on Carbon Management’s website. It is our hope that this international diversity, combined with the open-access transition, will foster a broad scholarly discussion of key topics in greenhouse gas measurement, reporting, verification, and management.
If you have an interest in publishing your scientific or editorial papers with Carbon Management, visit the journal’s submission instruction page.
4 benefits of publishing open access in
Carbon Management
1. Increase usage and influence:
Articles published with open access with Taylor & Francis typically receive 32% more citations and over 6 times as many downloads compared to those that are not published with open access.
2. Greater impact:
Your research will be accessible to policymakers, practitioners, professionals, and the general public. Using ‘My Authored Works’, a dedicated and personalized space, you will be able to see the downloads, citations, and Altmetric data for your article, at any time.
3. Retention of copyright:
You have control over how your research can be used by others.
4. Maximize discoverability with rapid online publication:
Your paper will be available soon after acceptance for anyone who needs it. Your readers will find it through the many databases that index Taylor & Francis content, e.g. Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and many others.
- Login to set a new content alert so you can receive updates when new issues are published
- Learn how to publish in Carbon Management
- Read the journal’s Aims & Scope
Amit Garg | Michael Gillenwater | Jeremy Woods
Carbon Management
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