Welcome to Greenhouse Gas Measurement & Management

February 23, 2011, by Michael Gillenwater

I am thrilled to announce the release of the first issue of Greenhouse Gas Measurement & Management (available for free download here) on behalf of the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute, …

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How do we move beyond just accounting for carbon?

February 9, 2011, by Michael Gillenwater

At the Institute, we are constructing the intellectual and other infrastructure needed to grow a global professional community of climate change professionals. Later this month we are proudly introducing the …

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I bet our emissions are lower than yours!

January 26, 2011, by Michael Gillenwater

I am proud to announce the Institute’s first greenhouse (GHG) gas emissions inventory report . As a leader in education and professional development on GHG management, one of the Institute’s …

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What will break the climate policy log jam? And what do we do in the meantime?

October 26, 2010, by Michael Gillenwater

Earlier this month the European Environment Agency (EEA) released a report (http://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/progress-towards-kyoto/) detailing Europe’s progress towards emission targets set under the Kyoto Protocol. Europe’s relative success in limiting its emissions …

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Sink or Swim? Given the political reality of climate change policy, what do we do now?

September 15, 2010, by Michael Gillenwater

The environmental community at the international level and here in Washington DC is coming to terms with failure. It is well accepted that global action to address greenhouse gas emissions …

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The verdict on “Climategate”

August 11, 2010, by Michael Gillenwater

We now have ample evidence to come to firm conclusions about the much-discussed controversy and manufactured scandals surrounding climate change science. Instead of recreating the wheel, I am simply going …

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Who is building our global GHG MRV infrastructure?

July 26, 2010, by Michael Gillenwater

Sometimes it feels quite lonely here at GHG Management Institute headquarters. Toiling away trying to do what we think is needed to support the future of greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation …

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What is different about methane (CH4) emissions? The forgotten CO2 in GHG emissions accounting

July 13, 2010, by Michael Gillenwater

In this third blog post on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and Global Warning Potential (GWP) values, I want to focus on a unique characteristic of methane (CH4). I would venture …

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Who is building our global GHG MRV infrastructure?

July 13, 2010, by Michael Gillenwater

Sometimes it feels quite lonely here at GHG Management Institute headquarters. Toiling away trying to do what we think is needed to support the future of greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation …

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What is a Global Warming Potential? And which one do I use?

June 28, 2010, by Michael Gillenwater

[Editor’s Note: This blog post was originally published on 28 June 2010. The post, in its current form, has been updated as of 8 May 2023 to reflect the final …

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