Poorly informed critiques

December 7, 2009, by Michael Gillenwater

A group of climate activists have just produced an entertaining animated short called “The Story of Cap & Trade.” Although the film is correct to worry about market manipulation and …

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GHG Accounting: Rocket science without the calculus

November 30, 2009, by Tim Stumhofer

In an interview the other week I made the lazy mistake of oversimplifying GHG measurement with a tired colloquialism. While this may read as a statement of regret, I’m actually …

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Saying Goodbye to the Copenhagen Protocol

November 24, 2009, by Michael Gillenwater

Those of us constantly sniffing the political winds during the numerous negotiations leading up to this December’s Conference of the Parties (COP15) in Copenhagen have known for some time that …

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What do we think of the Clean Development Mechanism?

November 21, 2009, by Michael Gillenwater

The GHG Management Institute is a founding member of the Offset Quality Initiative. OQI is a consensus-based effort that brings together the collective expertise of its six nonprofit member organizations: …

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Hot, Cold, Warm: The ever-changing role of North America’s regional cap-and-trade programs

November 16, 2009, by Tim Stumhofer

Interest in North America’s trilogy of regional cap-and-trade schemes has seesawed since a group of northeastern US states first came together in the early half of this decade to put up a united and ambitious climate policy front in the face of federal inaction.

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