The Treaty Compliance Challenge: Enforcement under the Kyoto Protocol

February 10, 2010, by Michael Gillenwater

Now that we have the Copenhagen Accord, which gives us some hope that eventually we will have a treaty that includes the United States and active engagement from developing countries, …

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How we do international capacity building

January 27, 2010, by Michael Gillenwater

In the climate change policy world there is plenty of talk about capacity building, especially for developing countries — though occasionally for developed countries as well. Less frequently, however, is …

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Professionalising GHG Verification

January 15, 2010, by Tim Stumhofer

From Environmental Finance The recent suspension of a leading CDM verification company has highlighted the need to ‘professionalise’ the auditors of greenhouse gas emissions, say Tim Stumhofer and Michael Gillenwater.

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Why e-learning?

January 15, 2010, by Michael Gillenwater

Here at the Institute, we are consistently amazed at the number of people who blindly assume we deliver training in a standard classroom setting. Indeed one of the most common …

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A time for reflection

December 27, 2009, by Michael Gillenwater

As we close out this year, now is a good time for some refection before we charge into a new calendar. At the Institute, we have done just that, by …

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COP15 Postmortem: Part I the UNFCCC process

December 23, 2009, by Tim Stumhofer

It has taken this observer a few days (critically complemented by well overdue restful nights) to fairly assess the results of the Copenhagen fortnight. This delayed consideration is in part …

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Standing room only at the Institute’s Copenhagen side event

December 16, 2009, by Tim Stumhofer

On Saturday evening the Institute had the distinct pleasure to co-host an official COP15 side event with the Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSE) and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).

Read More asks Michael Gillenwater about Carbon Trading

December 15, 2009, by Michael Gillenwater

Will carbon trading work? December 14, 2009 11:41 p.m. EST – From (CNN) — Carbon trading — with its mix of free-market principles and government regulation — holds global …

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COP 15 Week in Review

December 14, 2009, by Tim Stumhofer

As the first week came to a close at Copenhagen’s Bella Center, I took a moment to record a few impressions on the grueling COP process and an overview of …

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Bottlenecked CDM needs U.S. talent injection – Sindicatum CEO

December 10, 2009, by Michael Gillenwater

From Reuters News on 19 November 2009, 16:19 PM  By Michael Szabo LONDON, Nov 19 (Reuters) – An injection of U.S. talent into the $6.5 billion market in carbon offsets …

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