2019 Distinguished Alumni Award

June 22, 2020, by Erika Barnett

In keeping with the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute’s (GHGMI) intent to celebrate the astounding achievements of our alumni, GHGMI is awarding the 2019 Distinguished Alumni Award to Leal Kumar Dindoyal, …

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Hundreds of UNFCCC Experts Complete Rigorous Online IPCC Guidelines Courses

June 15, 2020, by Erika Barnett

The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute proudly delivered the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)’s Online IPCC Guidelines Training Programme, which concluded this past April. Over 750 participants were …

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Black lives matter

June 15, 2020, by Michael Gillenwater

These facts, we at the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI), affirm: Black lives matter. Climate change is a problem that demands global collective action; systemic racism and racial bias are …

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ICAT tools published: assessing the impact of national climate policies and actions

May 28, 2020, by Tani Colbert-Sangree

ICAT press release: At a time when action on climate change is more urgent than ever, the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) has deployed a set of tools to help countries assess the …

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Hiring: Program Associate for the Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub

June 18, 2020, by Wiley Barbour

GHGMI is recruiting a Program Associate for the Caribbean Cooperative Measurement Reporting and Verification Hub (MRV Hub). The MRV Hub is based in Grenada, and works with 12 English-speaking CARICOM …

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Webinar: 2019 IPCC Guidelines Refinement

May 28, 2020, by Tani Colbert-Sangree

In this webinar Michael Gillenwater, Executive Director of the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute, provided a high-level overview of the 2019 IPCC Refinement on Guidelines for National GHG Inventories as part …

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Synchronizing carbon mitigation and the Sustainable Development Goals

May 28, 2020, by Carbon Management Journal

The COVID-19 pandemic has engulfed the world and is creating economic hardships for people and businesses. The economic disruption is causing temporary reduction in GHG emissions but is also adversely …

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Should carbon offsets only include removing CO2 from the atmosphere?

April 17, 2020, by Derik Broekhoff

One idea gaining currency lately is that, if organizations offset their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at all, they should do so only with activities that remove CO2 from the atmosphere …

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GHGMI Launches Alumni Registry

March 26, 2020, by Erika Barnett

We are proud to recognize the achievements of our esteemed expert community through a new GHGMI Alumni Registry. This annually updated public registry highlights and celebrates individual accomplishment. You can …

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GHGMI Announces launch of an independent Carbon Institute

March 26, 2020, by Michael Gillenwater

The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute is pleased to announce the launch of the Carbon Institute as an independent non-profit organization. The Carbon Institute is an international academic partnership building government …

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