What is the role of adaptation in advancing emission reductions?

March 25, 2020, by Tani Colbert-Sangree

As you are well-aware, reducing emissions to achieve the Paris Agreement’s 1.5 Celsius (1.5C) warming climate goal will require a deepening of public support. Currently, mainstream narratives around climate action …

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Climate Action for a Prepared Caribbean

March 18, 2020, by Molly White

March 11-12, 2020, Bridgetown, Barbados – The Caribbean Cooperative Measurement Reporting and Verification (MRV) Hub, held their second annual meeting with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the …

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Student testimonial: Certificates improve capacity

March 26, 2020, by Erika Barnett

GHGMI is proud to provide comprehensive and instructionally rich online courses that break down the IPCC Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Inventories into something that learners can more easily digest.  These guidelines provide …

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North American Carbon World Conference (cancelled)

March 4, 2020, by Tani Colbert-Sangree

Please note: this event has been cancelled due to COVID-19. As a supporting partner of the North American Carbon World (NACW) conference, GHGMI invites you to San Francisco this March …

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The Low Carbon Fuel Standard has succeeded, but how does it work?

January 22, 2020, by Tani Colbert-Sangree

We are all familiar with emission markets for voluntary carbon offsets or compliance grade greenhouse gas (GHG) credits and allowances. But, there is another less well-known type of environmental market …

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Emission scenario analysis for China under the global 1.5 °C target

February 4, 2020, by Carbon Management Journal

“In the Paris Agreement, there are targets set up for 2100 to be well below 2 °C. A more ambitious target of 1.5 °C also appears in the agreement. In …

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With no carbon market rules emerging from COP25, will aviation and voluntary offsets take the lead?

January 14, 2020, by Derik Broekhoff

Coming out of the UN climate negotiations in Madrid, we are faced with a rather stark reality: nations are at an impasse when it comes to the rules for international …

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Improved climate change understanding and projections for coal businesses create urgent need to initiate stronger measures toward coalbed methane in India

January 27, 2020, by Carbon Management Journal

“In this opinion paper, we contend that in light of recent findings and the expected future of Indian coal business, fugitive methane emissions from coal mining and handling activities may …

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More on underestimated methane leakage. How can climate action address natural gas?

January 6, 2020, by Tani Colbert-Sangree

Natural gas is commonly referred to as a ‘transition fuel’ away from coal because at the point of combustion, natural gas (56.1 mtCO2/TJ) is less carbon intensive than coal (96.1 …

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Carbon offsets are all the rage again. But can they be used to raise global climate ambitions?

November 26, 2019, by Derik Broekhoff

The global landscape for voluntary carbon offsetting is about to get much more complicated. SEI’s Derik Broekhoff explains the importance of COP 25 to offsets — and how Paris Agreement …

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