What reforms does the UNFCCC Expert Review Process need to prevent the Paris Agreement from failing?

May 22, 2019, by Michael Gillenwater

The Paris Agreement is built on a framework of transparent reporting by countries that demonstrate they are fulfilling their climate commitments, thereby holding governments accountable. But a key part of …

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Peru’s GHG inventory team receives training on IPCC Guidelines

May 21, 2019, by Erika Barnett

In order to progress the transparent reporting goals outlined in the Paris Agreement, Peru’s greenhouse gas inventory team is working with GHGMI to administer training for 25 participants in the …

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Carbon emissions and the trilemma of trade policy, migration policy and health care in the US

May 20, 2019, by Carbon Management Journal

“Although the United States has consistently experienced a recent declining growth in carbon dioxide emissions, the country is currently the largest emitter of CO2 after China and suffers a biocapacity reserve …

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A “Rethink and Redesign” of UNFCCC Review Process

April 17, 2019, by Lisa Hanle

How should the UNFCCC support effective and efficient reviews of future biennial transparency reports (BTR) for all Parties”? We discuss this question in this first publication in a discussion paper …

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Do you know how to estimate an electric utility’s carbon footprint?

April 10, 2019, by Michael Gillenwater

You are probably saying to yourself, electric utilities and other companies have been reporting their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for years in sustainability reports and to corporate reporting initiatives. They …

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Methods to Account for GHG Emissions Embedded in Wholesale Power Purchases

April 2, 2019, by Michael Gillenwater

The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute has recently published a report for the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). This report was prepared to answer a simple question: “How should an electric …

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First MRV Hub Working Session

April 2, 2019, by Molly White

Nine individuals from 9 MRV Hub countries (Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Belize, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Trinidad and Tobago) and 4 additional individuals …

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A New Center for Climate Change Monitoring in the Caribbean

February 15, 2019, by Wiley Barbour

St. George’s, Grenada | Ten countries from the English-speaking Caribbean region convened at St. George’s University on 5th-6th February 2019 to discuss a new model of cooperation for measuring, reporting …

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New Senior Project Director, a case study in dedication to carbon management

November 21, 2018, by Michael Gillenwater

The Institute recently completed a recruitment process for a new Senior Project Director. This may sound like routine matter. Yet, in this instance, its presents a story about the special …

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COP24 Side-Event: Cooperative Regional Models for GHG MRV

November 15, 2018, by Wiley Barbour

A Caribbean Cooperative MRV HUB Event This event invited panelists to discuss how smaller countries can improve their post-Paris success through regionally cooperative models. Topics include climate MRV, institutional arrangements, …

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