COP24 Event & Survey: Blockchain Technology for Enhanced Climate Action

November 15, 2018, by Tom Baumann

Interest is growing rapidly about blockchain as a tool to enhance climate action. The Climate Chain Coalition (CCC) an open global initiative to support stakeholders researching, developing and piloting blockchain solutions, …

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Caribbean Hub Kickoff Meeting

November 20, 2018, by Patrick Cage

Representatives from the GHG Management Institute and the UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Center (RCC) met as implementing partners to formally launch the Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub. The Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub …

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Opening ceremony – GHGMI Italy

November 2, 2018, by Fabiola Tammaro

On the 24th of October, Michael Gillenwater, GHGMI Dean and Director, took part in the opening ceremony of GHGMI’s new Italian office.  The Italian office will contribute to the Institute’s …

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Webinar: Online Graduate Certificate in GHG Management

November 19, 2018, by Molly White

Want to learn more about earning an online GHG management certificate, but weren’t able to attend our webinar in December? Click the link below to watch the webinar that took …

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Strengthening National Capacity in Kenya

October 25, 2018, by Michael Gillenwater

Funded through the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT), a team of GHGMI experts recently delivered a two-week session to strengthen Kenya’s institutional and technical capacities to meet the requirements …

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Mapping rice greenhouse gas emissions in the Red River Delta, Vietnam

November 19, 2018, by Carbon Management Journal

“Rice greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Red River Delta, Vietnam, were mapped using multiscale satellite imagery and a processed-based biogeochemical model. Multiscale synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical imagery …

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Webinar: MRV Systems and Database

October 30, 2018, by Molly White

We are pleased to bring this webinar to your attention.  Hosted by colleagues at the Global Support Programme UNDP/UNEP and Aether, this webinar covers the support available to develop sustainable …

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Collaboration to build regional capacity in Rwanda

October 18, 2018, by John-O Niles

The Government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Environment and represented by Minister Vincent Biruta, the University of Rwanda, represented by Prof. Beth Kaplin, the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute and …

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Under2 Coalition project launched

September 10, 2018, by Molly White

This week, the new Under2 Coalition project was launched to help make Paris Agreement goals more achievable for regional governments. This new project – which is part of the International …

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Kelp and carbon sequestration: exporting terrestrial GHG accounting to the deep sea

September 6, 2018, by Patrick Cage

Recent breakthroughs have elevated algae as a promising biological solution to environmental challenges. Particular species of algae can provide low-impact, non-fossil substitutes for liquid fuel and plastics and can decrease …

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