Events at COP23

October 16, 2017, by Events

Faculty and staff participated in the following side events at the UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn.           Paris Agreement-style capacity building: Balancing international standards & national context …

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Forest Carbon Accounting Certificates

October 27, 2017, by Patrick Cage

The Carbon Institute has published scoping studies and executive summaries for building academic programs in Terrestrial Carbon Accounting (TCA) in both China and Indonesia. These scoping studies include gaps assessments, …

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Support the Carbon Heroes Scholarship Program

October 27, 2017, by Events

The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute is proud to launch this crowdfunding campaign to grow our funding support for the Carbon Heroes Scholarship Program. Our team has done work in building …

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10 Years

October 12, 2017, by Michael Gillenwater

Please celebrate with me for a moment. It is the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute’s ten year anniversary! I am proud and amazed that our visionary voyage reached this milestone through …

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What is Blockchain GHG Management?

October 18, 2017, by Tom Baumann

As we celebrate GHGMI’s 10th year, I’m even more optimistic about the next decade than I was back when we launched the organization. Of course, much more work remains to …

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Le cours sur le GIEC en français

October 16, 2017, by Molly White

L’Institut de la Gestion des GES (GHG Management Institute) est fier d’annoncer la traduction française de tous les six cours sur les lignes directrices 2006 du GIEC. Ensemble, ces cours …

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Webinar: Blockchain for climate actions and carbon markets

October 12, 2017, by Tom Baumann

Transformational tools like blockchain are needed to address the urgency and magnitude of climate challenges. Blockchain enables higher levels of participation and ambition and can mobilize large-scale investments into climate …

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Practical Attestations | A Board Member Testimonial

October 3, 2017, by Mike Bess

I have been working intensively in the world of climate change for over 20 years. A number of organizations and companies working in the climate change field have come and …

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European Young Leaders Seminar

September 7, 2017, by Eros Artuso

From 14-16 September, young leaders from across Europe, North America, and the Middle East and North Africa will gather in Tallinn for the 10th seminar of the European Young Leaders’ …

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The Next Carbon Accounting Frontier

August 24, 2017, by Katie Goldman

We are on the next carbon accounting frontier: policy-level GHG accounting for the Paris Agreement. The GHG Management Institute (GHGMI) is building global capacity to implement the Paris Agreement, and …

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