Corporate Power Purchase Agreements and Renewable Energy Growth

October 26, 2023, by Michael Gillenwater

Do corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) influence renewable energy investment (and therefore green power generation)? Most people would state (blindly) that they do. But, there has never been an empirical …

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What is Greenhouse Gas Accounting? Allocation rules

October 11, 2023, by Michael Gillenwater

Installment N.3 Preface If you have not yet read the previous installments Number 1 and Number 2 in this series, I encourage you to do so before proceeding. You can …

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A fit-for-purpose approach for reporting and review under UNFCCC’s Enhanced Transparency Framework

September 11, 2023, by Carbon Management Journal

“Parties, expert review teams and the secretariat have worked diligently over the past decades to implement a transparency system that responds to the decisions of Parties. The existing system has …

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Can states meet their climate goals without a reliable GHG inventory?

September 8, 2023, by Olga Lyandres

The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment report calls for net zero CO2 emissions by early 2050s to limit warming to 1.5oC. As a result, many U.S. states …

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2022 Outstanding Faculty Achievement Award

August 7, 2023, by Maria Juan-Blasco

GHGMI is committed to instructional excellence. At the end of every year, we pause to ask our learners about their experience in our online and in-person training programs. We also …

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2022 Distinguished Alumni Award

August 4, 2023, by Maria Juan-Blasco

Please join us in celebrating the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute’s (GHGMI) annual 2022 Distinguished Alumni Award presented to Bernish Ardèche Samba. The effort and commitment of professionals that take part …

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Measuring Capacity Progress in Climate Transparency, A Framework to Inform Future Work

June 9, 2023, by Molly White

The Global Stocktake (GST), occurring for the first time this year, will assess the global response to climate change. It will be a chance to evaluate the current level of …

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Exploring life-cycle assessment resources: Help for your Scope 3 GHG accounting

May 10, 2023, by Roel Hammerschlag

The Revised Edition of the GHG Protocol was published[1] in 2004 (“Corporate Standard”) and it continues to be the foundation of corporate GHG accounting today. The Corporate Standard defines Scope 3 …

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ICAT’s transparency hub in Central Asia builds capacity on greenhouse gas inventories

May 3, 2023, by Olga Lyandres

Article published on and reposted with formatting changes. “A workshop on greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories was held from 27 February to 3 March 2023, in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and brought …

Read More Guidance Translated to Chinese

May 1, 2023, by Tani Colbert-Sangree

The PDF guidance document provided by is now available for download in Chinese. GHGMI and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) authored in 2019 as a publicly available resource …

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