Corporate GHG Inventories: Are We Getting a Clear Picture?

July 15, 2013, by Don Bain
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2013 Community Survey Results

May 15, 2013, by Tim Stumhofer

Last month we initiated a short survey of community members to gather information to support an operational planning exercise. As GHGMI sits at the crossroads of online education and climate …

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A “boring” look at the California carbon market

May 10, 2013, by Tim Stumhofer
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Position Announcement: Educational Program Assistant

April 3, 2013, by Brandy Faulkner

The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI) is actively seeking a Program Assistant with primary responsibility for day-to-day operation of its Education Program.  The ideal candidate will be technologically savvy, possess …

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Ethics for carbon managers

March 28, 2013, by Tim Stumhofer

There is a small but growing literature that considers the challenge of climate change through the ethicist’s lens. So-called “climate ethics” addresses the ethical imperative for action on climate change. …

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Is the way you think about emissions from purchased electricity wrong?

February 26, 2013, by Michael Gillenwater

Electrons flowing down a wire. How many times have you heard this description in discussions on how electric power grids functions? Our greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting framework for indirect emissions …

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Is climate literacy an effective approach to root out climate change denial?

January 15, 2013, by Michael Gillenwater

One of the more frustrating issues I deal with as an educator is the focus by many governments, NGOs, foundations, and much of the scientific community on “climate literacy” as …

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Short sleeves in February. Did it have to turn out this way?

October 25, 2012, by Michael Gillenwater

Much of the world right now appears largely unconcerned with climate change. And, this state of affairs is just what social psychology tells us we should expect. People will avoid …

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Additionality is assessed against a counterfactual. True or False?

August 24, 2012, by Michael Gillenwater

Continuing on the theme of widely held fundamental misconceptions in the carbon management community (see previous blog posts here and here), today I am going to write on a matter …

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USAID Low Emission Asian Development (LEAD) program website launched

August 3, 2012, by Tim Stumhofer

GHGMI is working with a group of expert implementing organizations to develop low emission development capacity across 11 countries in south and southeast Asia. To learn more about this USAID-funded …

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