Getting real about “real” carbon offsets

August 3, 2012, by Michael Gillenwater

I am about to commit an act of minor heresy by telling you that something everyone repeats as gospel is flat bunk. The qualities of a good emission offset project …

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GHGMI presents on California MRV at US-China workshop

June 27, 2012, by Tim Stumhofer

On 5 June 2012, GHGMI’s Michael Gillenwater participated in an MRV panel co-hosted by the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) and Tsinghua University in Washington, DC. Click here …

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GHG Professional Certification: onwards and upwards

June 25, 2012, by Stelios Pesmajoglou

Since the June 2011 global launch of the EP(GHG) and EPt(GHG) designations under our Professional Certification Program, in partnership with ECO Canada, we have seen an outpouring of enthusiasm from …

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Bridging energy efficiency and carbon accounting

May 29, 2012, by Michael Gillenwater

You have probably experienced this situation before. You have an idea for a project that you believe is important and innovative. But you don’t have funding for it, and are …

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New issue of GHG Measurement & Management now available

March 2, 2012, by Tim Stumhofer

The latest issue of Greenhouse Gas Measurement & Management (GHGMM) is now available. A collaboration between the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute and international publishing house Taylor & Francis, GHGMM is …

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New GHGMI authored article on MRV design published in March 2012 edition of Carbon Trading magazine

March 2, 2012, by Tim Stumhofer

A new article advocating for the design of GHG measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) institutions that foster and promote a professional class of climate change practitioners is now available in …

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How do you explain additionality?

January 25, 2012, by Michael Gillenwater

Update since initial posting: Further explanation on additionality can be found on, which is an online and publicly available resource for understanding carbon offsets developed in 2019. If you …

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Was Durban a success or failure? A holiday edition.

December 21, 2011, by Tim Stumhofer

It’s December, a month best characterized in many parts of the world by holiday cheer, winter revelry, and reflection of the year that’s about to draw to a close. But …

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Professional associations invited to take Climate Change leadership

November 21, 2011, by Tom Baumann

17 November 2011 Vancouver – West Coast Environmental Law, a non-profit environmental law organization, today released a report – Professionals and Climate Change: How professional associations can get serious about …

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New initiative launched to meet growing demand from expansion of Chinese carbon market

November 21, 2011, by Tim Stumhofer

16 November 2011 Beijing and Washington, DC – The Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation (iCET), a leading think tank on climate change and sustainable development in China, and the …

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