Climate Leadership Conference

April 27, 2023, by Alissa Benchimol

2023 Climate Leadership Conference Los Angeles, CA | May 10-12, 2023 The annual Climate Leadership Conference is North America’s premier event dedicated to addressing the climate crisis through policy, innovation, …

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What is Greenhouse Gas Accounting? Fitting to Purposes

March 8, 2023, by Michael Gillenwater

Installment N.2 This post is the second installment in a series on conceptual issues in greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting—issues that are at the root of the current dysfunction in corporate …

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Public Comments on the FTC Green Guides

March 3, 2023, by Tani Colbert-Sangree

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) developed the Green Guides for the Use of Environmental Claims in 1992. In 2010 the Guides were revised to include claims relating to carbon offsets …

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What is Greenhouse Gas Accounting? Furnishing definitions

March 1, 2023, by Michael Gillenwater

Installment N.1 What is greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting, or more commonly labeled, carbon accounting? Do a quick web search (or treacherously ask ChatGPT) and you will get a load of …

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Public Comments on the SEC Climate Disclosure Proposed Rule

March 3, 2023, by Tani Colbert-Sangree

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is proposing rule changes regarding the reporting of climate-related risk to include GHG emissions throughout a company’s value chain. The proposed rule would: “[R]equire …

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Can market-based climate policy deliver environmental justice outcomes?

February 23, 2023, by Tani Colbert-Sangree

A look “under-the-hood” in the U.S. State of Washington A long debate played out in Washington State in 2021 regarding a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions cap-and-trade program similar to California’s. …

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ICAT and GHGMI release updated methodology for assessing GHG impacts of agriculture policies

February 23, 2023, by Olga Lyandres

The Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) and GHGMI have published a revised Agriculture Methodology to help countries assess the impacts of policies. Agricultural production contributes approximately one quarter of anthropogenic …

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Case Study: Building modeling capabilities in Antigua & Barbuda

February 16, 2023, by Matej Gasperic

Article published on and reposted with no changes. By the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) February 8th, 2023 Images: Rick Jamison on Unsplash and Sebastian from Pixabay   “Background Antigua and Barbuda …

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Central Asia Hub focuses on knowledge exchange

January 25, 2023, by Olia Glade

Article published on and reposted with no changes. By the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) January 4th, 2023 Cover image: picknicker54 from Pixabay “The Regional Climate Action Transparency Hub for …

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Regional Hub Activities Launched

January 5, 2023, by Olia Glade

Article published on and reposted with no changes. By the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) January 4th, 2023 Cover image: Barbara Bonanno auf Pixabay “In 2022, ICAT launched the activities of …

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