Methodological progress in the measurement of agricultural greenhouse gases

Methodological progress in the measurement of agricultural greenhouse gases

June 17, 2024, by Carbon Management Journal

“Fossil fuels, land use, and agriculture are the three major sources contributing to the rise in atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs). Agricultural activities including the production of rice, animal raising, and …

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The distortionary effects of unconstrained for-profit CO2 removal and the need for early governance intervention

January 29, 2024, by Carbon Management Journal

“Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) is an emerging activity with extremely limited deployment to date, but which is mathematically required to achieve net (rather than true) zero or negative anthropogenic contribution …

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Methods that equate temporary carbon storage with permanent CO2 emission reductions lead to false claims

December 19, 2023, by Carbon Management Journal

“There has been renewed interest in equating temporary carbon storage with permanent CO2 emission reductions, both within corporate GHG inventories and for carbon offset accounting. Proposed methods discount future emissions, such …

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Policy challenges to enhance soil carbon sinks: U.S. contributions to the Paris agreement

October 26, 2023, by Carbon Management Journal

“The U.S. government is planning significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions as part of their nationally determined contribution to the Paris Agreement. The plan includes a variety of activities, one …

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A fit-for-purpose approach for reporting and review under UNFCCC’s Enhanced Transparency Framework

September 11, 2023, by Carbon Management Journal

“Parties, expert review teams and the secretariat have worked diligently over the past decades to implement a transparency system that responds to the decisions of Parties. The existing system has …

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CO2 emissions from biomass combustion – accounting under the UNFCCC

November 2, 2022, by Carbon Management Journal

“Many Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are envisaging the use of significant amounts of biomass as a primary source in their energy supply. The …

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Forest Carbon in Indigenous Territories and Protected Natural Areas

April 22, 2022, by Carbon Management Journal

“Carbon sequestration is a widely acknowledged and increasingly valued function of tropical forest ecosystems; however, until recently, the information needed to assess the carbon storage capacity of Amazonian indigenous territories …

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Carbon emissions from land cover change in Central Vietnam

March 14, 2022, by Carbon Management Journal

“The carbon emissions and removals due to land cover changes between 2001 and 2010 in the Vu Gia Thu Bon River Basin, Central Vietnam, were estimated using Landsat satellite images …

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A novel approach for mapping methane mitigation potential in rice production

January 26, 2022, by Carbon Management Journal

Climate-based suitability assessment for alternate wetting and drying water management in the Philippines: a novel approach for mapping methane mitigation potential in rice production “The ‘alternate wetting and drying’ (AWD) technology for rice is a water-saving …

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Carbon Management Journal Now Open Access

September 30, 2021, by Carbon Management Journal

3.182* 2020 Impact Factor | 3.5 CiteScore We are proud that Carbon Management is now open access, thereby lowering access barriers to the free sharing of research on greenhouse gases; climate …

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