Initiative for Climate Action Transparency Spotlight

January 30, 2017, by Molly White

The Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) is building a methodological framework for countries to use to transparently measure and assess the impacts of climate policies and actions. This includes …

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How Many Steps Forward and How Many Back?

December 19, 2016, by Patrick Cage

COP22 Outcomes by the Numbers The UNFCCC COP21 in Paris last December was fast-paced and over-the-top, like a holiday blockbuster. The negotiations wrapped up nicely with a holiday happy ending …

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We Hope

December 19, 2016, by Lisa Hanle

Unexpected transitions bring on strong emotions, and emotions are running high right now. Domestically and internationally, daily news stories raise questions as to whether the new U.S. President will wipe …

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Sequestration of native soil organic carbon and residue carbon in complex agroecosystems

December 15, 2016, by Carbon Management Journal

“Knowing short-term gains and losses of soil organic carbon (SOC) is crucial for understanding the role of different land management practices in climate change mitigation. This study evaluated the flow …

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Fixing greenhouse gas accounting at the city scale

December 15, 2016, by Carbon Management Journal

“The GPC, and most other, prior community-scale protocols like it, evolved from IPCC-based GHG accounting rules developed at the national scale, and where principles such as completeness, comparability and accuracy …

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Terrestrial Carbon Accounting Course in Republic of Congo

December 5, 2016, by John-O Niles

The next terrestrial carbon accounting course co-hosted by The Carbon Institute and The Regional Center of Special Training in Agriculture, Forestry and Wood (CRESA Forêt-Bois), will Comprar Cialis y Viagra …

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We Mourn

November 29, 2016, by Michael Gillenwater

It was November of 2000 in Washington DC. I was on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court, as a 30 year-old staff member at the US EPA working in …

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We Lose

November 9, 2016, by Molly White

I am at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP22). The meeting is 3,600 miles from the United States. I awoke this …

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Meet with us at COP22

October 31, 2016, by Molly White

Follow Our Coverage We will be posting blog content to our website. For real-time observations, follow us on Twitter: @ghginstitute @ParisAgreement Exhibit Booth Week 1 and Week 2 Here we’ll …

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Did the UNFCCC review process improve the national GHG inventory submissions?

October 28, 2016, by Tinus Pulles

 Abstract The Parties to the Climate Convention have set up an elaborate system of reporting and review with a view that each Party informs all other Parties on the progress …

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