The Carbon Counters: Tracking Emissions in a Post-Paris World

March 8, 2016, by Molly White

In the wake of the Paris climate agreement, developing countries find themselves in need of analysts capable of monitoring their emissions. It’s a complex task, but organizations are stepping in …

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What is Blue Carbon?

February 24, 2016, by Sydney Duckor

[This guest article is authored by GHGMI’s Research Intern, Sydney Duckor.  Sydney currently attends high school in California. After graduation, she is hoping to attend Georgetown University, with a future …

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The Paris Agreement is done! Let the negotiations begin?

February 24, 2016, by Michael Gillenwater

In my blog post right after the negotiations in Paris, I promised to provide a substantive look at the Paris Agreement. This post will go beyond another simple and repetitive …

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Podcast #18: Carbon Policy in Canada after COP21

February 23, 2016, by Don Bain

Don Bain and Michael Gillenwater are joined by Mr. Philip Gass, International Institute for Sustainable Development. Philip reflects on carbon policy in Canada after COP21 in Paris. This conversation was …

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2016 Climate Leadership Conference

February 23, 2016, by Michael Gillenwater

The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute is a supporting partner of the 2016 Climate Leadership Conference, taking place March 8-10 in Seattle. The Institute would like to invite you to attend …

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WEBINAR: The Past, Present and Future of Emission Trading Systems

February 10, 2016, by Molly White

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the second of a 4-part guest-speaker webinar series devoted to discussing Emission Trading Systems (ETS), a key topic following the recent …

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Paris climate deal hinges on better carbon accountancy

January 26, 2016, by Molly White

Greenhouse Gas Management Institute quoted January 26th, 2016 in Nature News. “We can’t implement this agreement without building capacity,” says John Niles, who directs the Carbon Institute, an arm of …

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Podcast #17: Initial Reactions to the Paris Climate Change Agreement

December 17, 2015, by Don Bain

Michael Gillenwater is just back from COP-21 in Paris. Don Bain followed the agreement from afar. Listen in on their first impressions. Look for more detailed analysis in future episodes. …

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What was it like to be at COP21?

December 17, 2015, by Patrick Cage

For two fantastic weeks, I and others at GHGMI called the Le Bourget sprawling COP21 venue our home, alongside the hordes of carbon accountants, policy experts, youth activists, negotiators, entrepreneurs, …

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Does This Mean We Should Give Up on Voluntary Carbon Offsets?

December 17, 2015, by Mark Trexler

Planet Money is a popular economics podcast from National Public Radio boasting 11.8 million listeners. It covers a wide range of topics, generally trying to personalize what can seem like …

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