Is climate literacy an effective approach to root out climate change denial?

January 15, 2013, by Michael Gillenwater

One of the more frustrating issues I deal with as an educator is the focus by many governments, NGOs, foundations, and much of the scientific community on “climate literacy” as …

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Short sleeves in February. Did it have to turn out this way?

October 25, 2012, by Michael Gillenwater

Much of the world right now appears largely unconcerned with climate change. And, this state of affairs is just what social psychology tells us we should expect. People will avoid …

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Additionality is assessed against a counterfactual. True or False?

August 24, 2012, by Michael Gillenwater

Continuing on the theme of widely held fundamental misconceptions in the carbon management community (see previous blog posts here and here), today I am going to write on a matter …

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Getting real about “real” carbon offsets

August 3, 2012, by Michael Gillenwater

I am about to commit an act of minor heresy by telling you that something everyone repeats as gospel is flat bunk. The qualities of a good emission offset project …

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Bridging energy efficiency and carbon accounting

May 29, 2012, by Michael Gillenwater

You have probably experienced this situation before. You have an idea for a project that you believe is important and innovative. But you don’t have funding for it, and are …

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How do you explain additionality?

January 25, 2012, by Michael Gillenwater

Update since initial posting: Further explanation on additionality can be found on, which is an online and publicly available resource for understanding carbon offsets developed in 2019. If you …

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Disheartened by the state of climate policy? Consider the long view on capacity building

September 21, 2011, by Michael Gillenwater

It is easy to get pessimistic, if not outright depressed, in this business. After all, humanity keeps beating on the atmosphere with a sharp stick hoping that the climate will …

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So how’s that professional certification thing going?

June 30, 2011, by Michael Gillenwater

Your response to the launch of the EP(GHG) professional certification over the last three weeks has been tremendous, confident, and unequivocal. Indeed, the reaction from the international GHG community has …

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Letter from the Dean: Are you a Carbon Management “Professional”?

May 19, 2011, by Michael Gillenwater

I think we all realize that eventually governments and society will reach a point of dramatic transition characterized by the implementation of serious measures to address climate change. Indeed, the …

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The GHG Experts Network 2.0: The GHGMI Forum

April 12, 2011, by Michael Gillenwater

Here’s a test to see how long you’ve been part of the GHG expert community: Do you remember the old GHG Experts Network? If the answer is yes, then I …

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