Join the Online Community of GHG Management Professionals

February 25, 2021, by Michael Gillenwater

I find that if you understand the origins of something, you learn a great deal about how and why it does what it does. That is especially true for organizations. …

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What has this pandemic done to your organization?

January 27, 2021, by Michael Gillenwater

The last year has imposed on communities everywhere a forced and rushed experiment in working under quarantine conditions and conducting online learning at scale. Like you, those of us at …

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Should I use the new IPCC GHG Inventory Guidelines?

September 18, 2020, by Michael Gillenwater

Yes, you should use the new IPCC guidelines, with an awkward caveat. Technically speaking, there is every reason anyone engaged in estimating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or removals—from corporate, to …

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Black lives matter

June 15, 2020, by Michael Gillenwater

These facts, we at the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI), affirm: Black lives matter. Climate change is a problem that demands global collective action; systemic racism and racial bias are …

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GHGMI Announces launch of an independent Carbon Institute

March 26, 2020, by Michael Gillenwater

The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute is pleased to announce the launch of the Carbon Institute as an independent non-profit organization. The Carbon Institute is an international academic partnership building government …

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CBIT Meetings in Rome

May 29, 2019, by Michael Gillenwater

The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute recently presented at the CBIT coordination meeting and participated at the technical workshop in Rome. The week’s activities were generously funded by the Global Environment …

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What reforms does the UNFCCC Expert Review Process need to prevent the Paris Agreement from failing?

May 22, 2019, by Michael Gillenwater

The Paris Agreement is built on a framework of transparent reporting by countries that demonstrate they are fulfilling their climate commitments, thereby holding governments accountable. But a key part of …

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Do you know how to estimate an electric utility’s carbon footprint?

April 10, 2019, by Michael Gillenwater

You are probably saying to yourself, electric utilities and other companies have been reporting their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for years in sustainability reports and to corporate reporting initiatives. They …

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Methods to Account for GHG Emissions Embedded in Wholesale Power Purchases

April 2, 2019, by Michael Gillenwater

The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute has recently published a report for the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). This report was prepared to answer a simple question: “How should an electric …

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New Senior Project Director, a case study in dedication to carbon management

November 21, 2018, by Michael Gillenwater

The Institute recently completed a recruitment process for a new Senior Project Director. This may sound like routine matter. Yet, in this instance, its presents a story about the special …

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