What is Greenhouse Gas Accounting? Furnishing definitions

March 1, 2023, by Michael Gillenwater

Installment N.1 What is greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting, or more commonly labeled, carbon accounting? Do a quick web search (or treacherously ask ChatGPT) and you will get a load of …

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Can market-based climate policy deliver environmental justice outcomes?

February 23, 2023, by Tani Colbert-Sangree

A look “under-the-hood” in the U.S. State of Washington A long debate played out in Washington State in 2021 regarding a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions cap-and-trade program similar to California’s. …

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The GHG Protocol Corporate Standard…The dog that caught the car?

December 16, 2022, by Michael Gillenwater

If your work involves issues of corporate sustainability or carbon offset markets, then here is news that you should be aware of. The WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol Corporate Standard and associated …

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What are emission factors? And where can I find them?

October 31, 2022, by Tani Colbert-Sangree

If you’re a greenhouse gas (GHG) expert, you know emission factors (EFs) are an essential input to your work in carbon accounting. While performing emissions calculations you have surely experienced …

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You are not buying green, or really any, electrons!

July 7, 2022, by Michael Gillenwater

Note: This is an updated version of a post originally published in 2013. How do you envision our electric grid works? It is probably that electricity, in the form of …

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What is a baseline?

March 14, 2022, by Michael Gillenwater

Judging the effectiveness of any action or policy addressing climate change relies upon the concept of a “baseline”. But are you sure you know what a baseline is? We probably …

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The overlooked mystery of the missing GHG accounting principle

January 27, 2022, by Michael Gillenwater

When performing greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting work, such as preparing an emissions inventory or assessing an emission reduction project, you will, at some point, need to apply expert judgment. You …

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Eating soup without a spoon: What MRV tools are countries missing?

December 10, 2021, by Olia Glade

The Sectoral Activity data for GHG Emissions (SAGE) tool provides a first-of-its-kind user-friendly interface for gathering and processing activity data in conjunction with documentation for greenhouse gas emissions inventories, projections, …

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What is an MRV Hub? Innovation in Capacity Building for Climate Action Transparency

October 25, 2021, by Michael Gillenwater

The GHG Management Institute (GHGMI) was founded fifteen years ago upon reaching a sad conclusion. That the existing approaches to capacity building being employed to address greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions …

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How much of the world do the GHGMI Alumni Represent?

June 30, 2021, by Erika Barnett

The answer is 96%! But, are you curious who all these GHG accounting and mitigation experts are? The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI) conducts an annual Alumni Survey for GHGMI …

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