More on underestimated methane leakage. How can climate action address natural gas?

January 6, 2020, by Tani Colbert-Sangree

Natural gas is commonly referred to as a ‘transition fuel’ away from coal because at the point of combustion, natural gas (56.1 mtCO2/TJ) is less carbon intensive than coal (96.1 …

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From Greenwishing to Greenwashing – A Growing Business Risk?

October 17, 2019, by Mark Trexler

I recently wrote about an article by investment manager Duncan Austin, in which he coined the term “greenwishing.” Austin argues that the sustainable business community’s climate rhetoric sounds great and …

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How I Learned That Running the Greenhouse Gas Numbers is Not Enough

August 1, 2019, by Katie Goldman

I first took on the role as climate advisor to Los Angeles (L.A.) Mayor Eric Garcetti nearly two years ago. My job then was to develop a climate action plan …

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What reforms does the UNFCCC Expert Review Process need to prevent the Paris Agreement from failing?

May 22, 2019, by Michael Gillenwater

The Paris Agreement is built on a framework of transparent reporting by countries that demonstrate they are fulfilling their climate commitments, thereby holding governments accountable. But a key part of …

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Do you know how to estimate an electric utility’s carbon footprint?

April 10, 2019, by Michael Gillenwater

You are probably saying to yourself, electric utilities and other companies have been reporting their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for years in sustainability reports and to corporate reporting initiatives. They …

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New Senior Project Director, a case study in dedication to carbon management

November 21, 2018, by Michael Gillenwater

The Institute recently completed a recruitment process for a new Senior Project Director. This may sound like routine matter. Yet, in this instance, its presents a story about the special …

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Kelp and carbon sequestration: exporting terrestrial GHG accounting to the deep sea

September 6, 2018, by Patrick Cage

Recent breakthroughs have elevated algae as a promising biological solution to environmental challenges. Particular species of algae can provide low-impact, non-fossil substitutes for liquid fuel and plastics and can decrease …

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Seaweed diet for burping cows?

July 18, 2018, by Patrick Cage

One Unexpected Reason for Optimism About Climate Change Mitigation If asked to make a list of strategies to mitigate climate change, you would probably think of options like solar power, …

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Do we know how developing countries can implement the Paris Agreement?

March 23, 2018, by Michael Gillenwater & Molly White

The Paris Agreement is a major international political achievement. Yet, if we are honest, we must acknowledge that the pledges countries have made under the Paris Agreement (i.e, Nationally Determined …

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When will there be new IPCC GHG inventory guidelines?

January 3, 2018, by Michael Gillenwater

As you hopefully know, the IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories are the foundational reference for all GHG measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) work. Whether it be project methods from …

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