Carbon emissions and the trilemma of trade policy, migration policy and health care in the US

May 20, 2019, by Carbon Management Journal

“Although the United States has consistently experienced a recent declining growth in carbon dioxide emissions, the country is currently the largest emitter of CO2 after China and suffers a biocapacity reserve …

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Mapping rice greenhouse gas emissions in the Red River Delta, Vietnam

November 19, 2018, by Carbon Management Journal

“Rice greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Red River Delta, Vietnam, were mapped using multiscale satellite imagery and a processed-based biogeochemical model. Multiscale synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical imagery …

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Climate-smart land use requires local solutions, transdisciplinary research, policy coherence and transparency

August 26, 2018, by Carbon Management Journal

“Successfully meeting the mitigation and adaptation targets of the Paris Climate Agreement (PA) will depend on strengthening the ties between forests and agriculture. Climate-smart land use can be achieved by …

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Global carbon management researchers

July 17, 2017, by Patrick Cage

Carbon Management is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal published by Taylor & Francis in partnership with the GHG Management Institute. The journal is a forum for insights across science, policy, economics, …

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Carbon management in the logistics and transportation sector: an overview and new research directions

April 13, 2017, by Carbon Management Journal

“While many studies have addressed the issue of environmental sustainability within the supply chain as a whole, so far no attempt has been made to specifically investigate the current status …

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Sequestration of native soil organic carbon and residue carbon in complex agroecosystems

December 15, 2016, by Carbon Management Journal

“Knowing short-term gains and losses of soil organic carbon (SOC) is crucial for understanding the role of different land management practices in climate change mitigation. This study evaluated the flow …

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Fixing greenhouse gas accounting at the city scale

December 15, 2016, by Carbon Management Journal

“The GPC, and most other, prior community-scale protocols like it, evolved from IPCC-based GHG accounting rules developed at the national scale, and where principles such as completeness, comparability and accuracy …

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Did the UNFCCC review process improve the national GHG inventory submissions?

October 28, 2016, by Tinus Pulles

 Abstract The Parties to the Climate Convention have set up an elaborate system of reporting and review with a view that each Party informs all other Parties on the progress …

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Will the world meet the climate change challenge?

October 20, 2015, by Carbon Management Journal

“One of the most striking graphics in the recently published IPCC assessment reports did not make it into the Summary for Policy Makers but was used by the IPCC chair …

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Biochar soil amendment for sustainable agriculture with carbon and contaminant sequestration

April 2, 2015, by Carbon Management Journal

“Biochar offers a chance for sustainable agriculture with co-benefits 
of carbon sequestration and contaminant immobilization in soil.” Ming Zhang & Yong Sik Ok | Pages 255-257 | Published online: 29 …

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